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  2. Banjo songs
  3. Jingle Bells

Banjo tablatures for Jingle Bells


Recomended level: Intermediate

Tags: #holiday music, #up-tempo, #vocal song

"Jingle Bells" is one of the world's best-known and most commonly sung American songs. A statue at 19 High Street in the middle of Medford Square in Medford, Massachusetts, commemorates the "Jingle Bells" birthplace, saying that Pierpont wrote the song there in 1850. At what was then the Simpson Tavern. Mrs Otis Waterman, one of Pierpoint's relatives, identified the song as a "Merry little jingle" written in 1859 under the updated title of "Jingle Bells or the One Horse Open Sleigh." And this became part of its new name. At parties, "Jingle Bells" was often used as a drinking song: people would jingle the ice as they sang in their glasses. The double meaning of "Upsot" was thought to be humorous, and a sleigh ride gave an unescorted couple a rare opportunity to be together, unchaperoned, in distant woods or fields, with all the opportunities offered by the music historian James Fuld notes that "The word jingle in the title and opening phrase is apparently an imperative verb." "Jingle bells" are commonly referred to as a type of whistle.

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