1. Tunefox.com
  2. Banjo songs
  3. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
  4. Scruggs Style

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - Scruggs Style

  • Scruggs Style
  • Key   G
  • Tempo   105 bpm
  • Tuning   gDGBD

This is a tune often heard at jams, and played in some old country churches. Watch out for the measure of 2/4. It comes just before the D chord. To internalize the timing, listen repeatedly to the song on Tunefox and check out the Osborne Brothers' version. Repeated listening really helps us to memorize the structure of the song. If you can sing or speak the lyrics in time, that will help as well. This arrangement starts out nice and simple, but all the good Scruggs style licks are waiting in the lick switcher. Have at it!


#banjo tab
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