Earl played this upwards of 160 BPM! We can start as slow as 20 if we need to though. Take it one note, and one movement at a time. There's definitely a lot of challenge here, and a lot of great licks in the switcher. This arrangement is a transcription of Earl's playing, and with the lick switcher you can make it unique, and see many different variations. In the A section of this tune, you'll notice the C chord is held into the 5th measure. This happens on the "Foggy Mountain Jamboree" album. Some people play it like this each time through. Jesse Brock recorded it that way. Most play it like the B and C sections, where a measure of C is followed by a measure of G. In the original recording it only happens the first time through. You can hear J.D. Crowe honor this on his Live in Japan album.
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