This version of the Cripple Creek is designed to teach you how to play slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs. Take each one slow at first to get them sounding nice and clean.
Pay attention to the banjo tab! Measures 5, 7, and 9 are the same and measure 3 is barely different. Just practice one of those measures using the FOCUS feature. That is efficient practice. Look for other repeating measures and thoroughly practice one before trying to put it all together. Also, notice how certain licks, rolls, notes and chord shapes coincide with chord changes in the song. Consistently doing this will help you begin to gain foundational understanding of Bluegrass music, and music in general. You will also start to recognize and memorize important bits of bluegrass banjo lick vocabulary that is the basis for Scruggs style banjo playing.
Explore more Cripple Creek Banjo Tabs:
Melody, Two Finger Style, Scruggs Style - Beginner, Single String, Rolling Backup, Vamping, Earl Scruggs: Kickoff, Earl Scruggs: Rolling Backup, Earl Scruggs: Ending Lick, Backup, Melodic StyleSorry, there are no results for your search.