Learn to create your own rolling backup! For each measure you are rolling with 16th notes. That means you could use two 8 note rolls per measure. The forward backward roll is a great start here. There is an example in the licks for several measures. To match the chord changes, you need only change your chord shape while maintaining 2 rolls per measure.
After getting a hang of rolling through the changes you can try out a few of the more advanced Scruggs licks. These work as great fills. These literally "fill" the space left between vocal phrases when a singer is not typically singing.
Explore more Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms Banjo Tabs:
Melody, Two Finger Style, Walks, Fill-Ins & Pinches, Fitting the Melody into The "Forward Roll", Scruggs Style - Basic, Backup, Scruggs Style, Melodic StyleSorry, there are no results for your search.