Little Sadie - A Tony Rice Solo
This lesson is on a track from the classic album, "Manzanita" by singer and guitarist, Tony Rice. The name of the song is "Little Sadie" and is a traditional murder ballad. This solo is out of the D minor position but Tony puts the capo on the 2nd fret to play it in the key of E minor, most likely because that's the key that fit his voice best.
Here's the original recording of the song, where you can hear the solo in context:
And here's the solo fast and slow performed by Troy Boone, who plays mandolin with the bluegrass band, Sideline:
Thanks to Troy Boone for submitting figuring out this solo and sharing his picking. To hear more from Troy, like his facebook page here.
The tab for this song is out of D minor position and we've programmed the capo to be placed on the 2nd fret, so you should do the same when learning this solo. This will ensure that the notes you play are the same pitches as the one's being produced by the tab.
Michael K Gelormino
01/01/2025, 19:28 PM
Awesome transcription - thanks very much