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  2. Guitar songs
  3. Over the Rainbow

Guitar tablatures for Over the Rainbow


Recomended level: Intermediate

Experience the magic of the classic tune 'Over the Rainbow' with this guitar rendition. An inviting melody that resonates with all players, newbie or seasoned. You can also explore the wonderful world of cross-picking with this timeless melody. Immerse yourself in heart-tugging strums and let the melody transport you to musical nirvana.

Start with the melody. This song is much longer than a standard bluegrass tune. It will take a little longer than usual to get it down or memorize it. That's ok! Learn at your own pace. Use the tempo slider to play at your own pace. Remember to read the tab descriptions for each arrangement to get even more advice for each arrangement.

If you get the melody down, head over to the cross picking arrangement. This one uses 16th notes instead of 1/8th notes. Since these can come twice as fast, you'll need to set the tempo slider to half of what you were using when playing the melody.

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