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  3. Common Banjo Chord Shapes

Common Banjo Chord Shapes Banjo Tabs


Common Banjo Chord Shapes Banjo Tablature: One Song, Many Styles

Recomended level: Beginner

This tablature set focuses on common banjo chord shapes used in Vamping backup, specifically in G tuning. It includes the three essential shapes for major and minor chords - root, 1st inversion, and 2nd inversion - and a pattern to help you locate these shapes anywhere on the banjo neck.

Learn how to play Common Banjo Chord Shapes on Banjo with this selection of tablatures:

  • Banjo Common Banjo Chord Shapes Three Major Chord Shapes

    Three Major Chord Shapes

    Here are the 3 common major chord shapes used for vamping on the banjo - Root Shape, 1st Inversion, and 2nd Inversion. The banjo is tuned to one of them - the second inversion or ba...

  • Banjo Common Banjo Chord Shapes Three Minor Chord Shapes

    Three Minor Chord Shapes

    Here are the 3 common minor chord shapes used for vamping on the banjo - Root Shape, 1st Inversion, and 2nd Inversion. The pattern can clearly be seen when we play through th...
