Blue Ridge Cabin Home Banjo Tabs
Flatt & Scruggs
Blue Ridge Cabin Home Banjo Tablature: One Song, Many Styles
Recomended level: Beginner
"Blue Ridge Cabin Home" is a song that was originally recorded by Flatt & Scruggs. The song is a bluegrass favorite and countless bands have recorded it. There are quite a few versions, but the one that became popular and accepted by the bluegrass community is that of the Bluegrass Album Band. Their cut features Tony Rice, Doyle Lawson, J.D. Crowe, Bobby Hicks, and Todd Phillips and has become the reference point for this Flatt & Scruggs song.
Learn how to play Blue Ridge Cabin Home on Banjo with this selection of tablatures:
Scruggs Style
- Difficulty
- Key G
- Tempo 120 bpm
- Tuning gDGBD
Earl recorded it first, and J.D. Crowe and the bluegrass album band helped bring it back to life. This is a J.D. Crowe transcription with lots of great lick options in the lick switc...
Scruggs Style-2
- Difficulty
- Key D
- Tempo 110 bpm
- Tuning aDGBD
Open D. Don't be scared. Just learn it slow and have a ball!
Melodic Style
- Difficulty
- Key G
- Tempo 110 bpm
- Tuning gDGBD
A very simple and straightforward way to play the core melody in the melodic style. Use the lick switcher to add some interest and challenge as soon as you have a grasp on the basic ...