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  3. Melodic Scales

Melodic Scales Banjo Tabs


Melodic Scales Banjo Tablature: One Song, Many Styles

Recomended level: Intermediate

Tags: #scales, #exercises, #technique workout

These exercises are designed to help banjo players gain fluency and confidence in navigating scales across the neck, enabling them to create captivating and expressive melodies. Whether for traditional bluegrass tunes or other musical styles, "Melodic Scales" exercises open up new creative possibilities and add depth to a banjo player's musical repertoire.

Learn how to play Melodic Scales on Banjo with this selection of tablatures:

  • Banjo Melodic Scales G Scales

    G Scales

    This is a comprehensive look at the essential G scale patterns for playing melodic banjo. Some of the fingerings are weird at first, so practice slow and stick with it!

  • Banjo Melodic Scales C Scales

    C Scales

    You'll notice that the C scales use very similar positions to the G scales. The main difference between G and C is one note. C scales include F natural, and G scales have F#.

  • Banjo Melodic Scales D Scales

    D Scales

    To play D major from the lowest note available on the banjo you have to play with the single string style until you reach the mid-range of the banjo. The actual "melodic style" pick...
