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  3. D and G Major Chords
  4. How to Switch Between D & G Chords

How to Switch Between D & G Chords

What fingers do you move first?

For this lesson, we're going to start on the G chord. Go ahead and make that position. Now try and visualize what your D chord looks like while you have the G chord fretted. Your ring finger stays in the same spot, while your index is placed on the 2nd fret, 3rd string and your middle finger moves all the way from the 3rd fret, 6th string to the 2nd fret, 1st string. Your middle finger is making the largest movement here so you may find that it's helpful to zero in on that one to make this chord change smooth.

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Check out the alternating bass for both of these chords before jumping into practice. Your G chord is alternating on the 6th and 4th strings and the D chord is alternating between the 4th and 5th strings. Practice that a bit and then play along with the tab below.

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